Source code for qtpynodeeditor.port

import typing

from qtpy.QtCore import QObject, Signal

from .enums import ConnectionPolicy, PortType

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from .connection import Connection  # noqa

def opposite_port(port: PortType) -> PortType:
    Get the opposite port of `port`.

    port : PortType
    return {PortType.input: PortType.output,
            PortType.output: PortType.input}.get(port, PortType.none)

[docs]class Port(QObject): """ Signals ------- connection_created : Signal(Connection) connection_deleted : Signal(Connection) data_updated : Signal(QObject) data_invalidated : Signal(QObject) """ connection_created = Signal(object) connection_deleted = Signal(object) data_updated = Signal(QObject) data_invalidated = Signal(QObject) _connections: typing.List['Connection'] def __init__(self, node, *, port_type: PortType, index: int): super().__init__(parent=node) self.node = node self.port_type = port_type self.index = index self._connections = [] self.opposite_port = {PortType.input: PortType.output, PortType.output: PortType.input}[self.port_type] @property def connections(self): return list(self._connections) @property def model(self): 'The data model associated with the Port' return self.node.model @property def data(self): 'The NodeData associated with the Port, if an output port' if self.port_type == PortType.input: # return self.model.in_data(self.index) # TODO return else: return self.model.out_data(self.index) @property def can_connect(self): 'Can this port be connected to?' return (not self._connections or self.connection_policy == ConnectionPolicy.many) @property def caption(self): 'Data model-specified caption for the port' return self.model.port_caption[self.port_type][self.index] @property def caption_visible(self): 'Show the data model-specified caption?' return self.model.port_caption_visible[self.port_type][self.index] @property def data_type(self): 'The NodeData type associated with the Port' return self.model.data_type[self.port_type][self.index] @property def display_text(self): 'The text to show on the label caption' return (self.caption if self.caption_visible else @property def connection_policy(self): 'The connection policy (one/many) for the port' if self.port_type == PortType.input: return else: return self.model.port_out_connection_policy(self.index)
[docs] def add_connection(self, connection: 'Connection'): 'Add a Connection to the Port' if connection in self._connections: raise ValueError('Connection already in list') self._connections.append(connection) self.connection_created.emit(connection)
[docs] def remove_connection(self, connection: 'Connection'): 'Remove a Connection from the Port' try: self._connections.remove(connection) except ValueError: # TODO: should not be reaching this ... else: self.connection_deleted.emit(connection)
@property def scene_position(self): ''' The position in the scene of the Port Returns ------- value : QPointF See also -------- get_mapped_scene_position ''' return self.node.geometry.port_scene_position(self.port_type, self.index)
[docs] def get_mapped_scene_position(self, transform): """ Node port scene position after a transform Parameters ---------- port_type : PortType port_index : int Returns ------- value : QPointF """ ngo = self.node.graphics_object return ngo.sceneTransform().map(self.scene_position)
def __repr__(self): return (f'<{self.__class__.__name__} port_type={self.port_type} ' f'index={self.index} connections={len(self._connections)}>')