Source code for qtpynodeeditor.node_data

import inspect
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Optional

from qtpy.QtCore import QObject, Signal
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QWidget

from . import style as style_module
from .base import Serializable
from .enums import ConnectionPolicy, NodeValidationState, PortType
from .port import Port

NodeDataType = namedtuple('NodeDataType', ('id', 'name'))

[docs]class NodeData: """ Class represents data transferred between nodes. The actual data is stored in subtypes """ data_type = NodeDataType(None, None) def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) if cls.data_type is None: raise ValueError('Subclasses must set the `data_type` attribute')
[docs] def same_type(self, other) -> bool: """ Is another NodeData instance of the same type? Parameters ---------- other : NodeData Returns ------- value : bool """ return ==
[docs]class NodeDataModel(QObject, Serializable): name: Optional[str] = None caption: Optional[str] = None caption_visible = True num_ports = {PortType.input: 1, PortType.output: 1, } # data_updated and data_invalidated refer to the port index that has # changed: data_updated = Signal(int) data_invalidated = Signal(int) computing_started = Signal() computing_finished = Signal() embedded_widget_size_updated = Signal() def __init__(self, style=None, parent=None): super().__init__(parent=parent) if style is None: style = style_module.default_style self._style = style def __init_subclass__(cls, verify=True, **kwargs): super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) # For all subclasses, if no name is defined, default to the class name if is None: = cls.__name__ if cls.caption is None and cls.caption_visible: cls.caption = num_ports = cls.num_ports if isinstance(num_ports, property): # Dynamically defined - that's OK, but we can't verify it. return if verify: cls._verify() @classmethod def _verify(cls): ''' Verify the data model won't crash in strange spots Ensure valid dictionaries: - num_ports - data_type - port_caption - port_caption_visible ''' num_ports = cls.num_ports if isinstance(num_ports, property): # Dynamically defined - that's OK, but we can't verify it. return assert set(num_ports.keys()) == {'input', 'output'} # TODO while the end result is nicer, this is ugly; refactor away... def new_dict(value): return { PortType.input: {i: value for i in range(num_ports[PortType.input]) }, PortType.output: {i: value for i in range(num_ports[PortType.output]) }, } def get_default(attr, default, valid_type): current = getattr(cls, attr, None) if current is None: # Unset - use the default return default if valid_type is not None: if isinstance(current, valid_type): # Fill in the dictionary with the user-provided value return current if attr == 'data_type' and inspect.isclass(current): if issubclass(current, NodeData): return current.data_type if inspect.ismethod(current) or inspect.isfunction(current): raise ValueError('{} should not be a function; saw: {}\n' 'Did you forget a @property decorator?' ''.format(attr, current)) try: type(default)(current) except TypeError: raise ValueError('{} is of an unexpected type: {}' ''.format(attr, current)) from None # Fill in the dictionary with the given value return current def fill_defaults(attr, default, valid_type=None): if isinstance(getattr(cls, attr, None), dict): return default = get_default(attr, default, valid_type) if default is None: raise ValueError('Cannot leave {} unspecified'.format(attr)) setattr(cls, attr, new_dict(default)) fill_defaults('port_caption', '') fill_defaults('port_caption_visible', False) fill_defaults('data_type', None, valid_type=NodeDataType) reasons = [] for attr in ('data_type', 'port_caption', 'port_caption_visible'): try: dct = getattr(cls, attr) except AttributeError: reasons.append('{} is missing dictionary: {}' ''.format(cls.__name__, attr)) continue if isinstance(dct, property): continue for port_type in {'input', 'output'}: if port_type not in dct: if num_ports[port_type] == 0: dct[port_type] = {} else: reasons.append('Port type key {}[{!r}] missing' ''.format(attr, port_type)) continue for i in range(num_ports[port_type]): if i not in dct[port_type]: reasons.append('Port key {}[{!r}][{}] missing' ''.format(attr, port_type, i)) if reasons: reason_text = '\n'.join('* {}'.format(reason) for reason in reasons) raise ValueError( 'Verification of NodeDataModel class failed:\n{}' ''.format(reason_text) ) @property def style(self): 'Style collection for drawing this data model' return self._style
[docs] def save(self) -> dict: """ Subclasses may implement this to save additional state for pickling/saving to JSON. Returns ------- value : dict """ return {}
[docs] def restore(self, doc: dict): """ Subclasses may implement this to load additional state from pickled or saved-to-JSON data. Parameters ---------- value : dict """ return {}
def __setstate__(self, doc: dict): """ Set the state of the NodeDataModel Parameters ---------- doc : dict """ self.restore(doc) return doc def __getstate__(self) -> dict: """ Get the state of the NodeDataModel for saving/pickling Returns ------- value : QJsonObject """ doc = {'name':} doc.update(** return doc @property def data_type(self): """ Data type placeholder - to be implemented by subclass. Parameters ---------- port_type : PortType port_index : int Returns ------- value : NodeDataType """ raise NotImplementedError(f'Subclass {self.__class__.__name__} must ' f'implement `data_type`')
[docs] def port_out_connection_policy(self, port_index: int) -> ConnectionPolicy: """ Port out connection policy Parameters ---------- port_index : int Returns ------- value : ConnectionPolicy """ return ConnectionPolicy.many
@property def node_style(self) -> style_module.NodeStyle: """ Node style Returns ------- value : NodeStyle """ return self._style.node
[docs] def set_in_data(self, node_data: NodeData, port: Port): """ Triggers the algorithm; to be overridden by subclasses Parameters ---------- node_data : NodeData port : Port """ ...
[docs] def out_data(self, port: int) -> NodeData: """ Out data Parameters ---------- port : int Returns ------- value : NodeData """ ...
[docs] def embedded_widget(self) -> QWidget: """ Embedded widget Returns ------- value : QWidget """ ...
[docs] def resizable(self) -> bool: """ Resizable Returns ------- value : bool """ return False
[docs] def validation_state(self) -> NodeValidationState: """ Validation state Returns ------- value : NodeValidationState """ return NodeValidationState.valid
[docs] def validation_message(self) -> str: """ Validation message Returns ------- value : str """ return ""
[docs] def painter_delegate(self): """ Painter delegate Returns ------- value : NodePainterDelegate """ return None
[docs] def input_connection_created(self, connection): """ Input connection created Parameters ---------- connection : Connection """ ...
[docs] def input_connection_deleted(self, connection): """ Input connection deleted Parameters ---------- connection : Connection """ ...
[docs] def output_connection_created(self, connection): """ Output connection created Parameters ---------- connection : Connection """ ...
[docs] def output_connection_deleted(self, connection): """ Output connection deleted Parameters ---------- connection : Connection """ ...