Source code for blark.summary

from __future__ import annotations

import collections
import logging
import pathlib
import textwrap
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, fields, is_dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict, Generator, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import lark

from . import transform as tf
from .parse import ParseResult
from .typing import Literal
from .util import Identifier, SourceType

LocationType = Literal["input", "output", "memory"]

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _indented_outline(item: Any, indent: str = "    ") -> Optional[str]:
    """Outline and indent the given item."""
    text = text_outline(item)
    if text is None:
        return None
    result = textwrap.indent(text, indent)
    if "\n" in result:
        return "\n" + result
    return result.lstrip()

[docs] def text_outline(item: Any) -> Optional[str]: """ Get a generic multiline string representation of the given object. Attempts to include field information for dataclasses, put list items on separate lines, and generally keep sensible indentation. Parameters ---------- item : Any The item to outline. Returns ------- formatted : str or None The formatted result. """ if item is None: return None if is_dataclass(item): result = [ f"<{item.__class__.__name__}>" ] for fld in fields(item): if in ("meta", ): continue value = _indented_outline(getattr(item,, None)) if value is not None: result.append(f"{}: {value}") if not result: return None return "\n".join(result) if isinstance(item, (list, tuple)): result = [] for value in item: value = _indented_outline(value) if value is not None: result.append(f"- {value.lstrip()}") if not result: return None return "\n".join(result) if isinstance(item, dict): result = [] for key, value in item.items(): value = _indented_outline(value) if value is not None: result.append(f"- {key}: {value}") return "\n".join(result) return str(item)
[docs] @dataclass class Summary: """Base class for summary objects.""" comments: List[str] pragmas: List[str] filename: Optional[pathlib.Path] meta: Optional[tf.Meta] = field(repr=False) def __getitem__(self, _: str) -> None: return None def __str__(self) -> str: return text_outline(self) or ""
[docs] @staticmethod def get_meta_kwargs(meta: Optional[tf.Meta]) -> Dict[str, Any]: if meta is None: return dict( comments=[], pragmas=[], meta=None, ) comments, pragmas = meta.get_comments_and_pragmas() return dict( comments=comments, pragmas=pragmas, meta=meta, )
[docs] @dataclass class DeclarationSummary(Summary): """Summary representation of a single declaration.""" name: str item: Union[ tf.Declaration, tf.GlobalVariableDeclaration, tf.VariableInitDeclaration, tf.StructureElementDeclaration, tf.UnionElementDeclaration, tf.ExternalVariableDeclaration, tf.InitDeclaration, ] parent: Optional[str] location: Optional[str] block: str base_type: str type: str value: Optional[str] def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> None: raise KeyError(f"{}[{key!r}]: declarations do not contain keys") @property def qualified_name(self) -> str: """Qualified name including parent. For example, ``fbName.DeclName``.""" if self.parent: return f"{self.parent}.{}" return @property def location_type(self) -> Optional[LocationType]: """If located, one of {'input', 'output', 'memory"}.""" if not self.location: return None location = self.location.upper() if location.startswith("%I"): return "input" if location.startswith("%Q"): return "output" if location.startswith("%M"): return "memory" return None
[docs] @classmethod def from_declaration( cls, item: Union[tf.InitDeclaration, tf.StructureElementDeclaration, tf.UnionElementDeclaration], parent: Optional[ Union[tf.Function, tf.Method, tf.FunctionBlock, tf.StructureTypeDeclaration] ] = None, block_header: str = "unknown", filename: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, ) -> Dict[str, DeclarationSummary]: result = {} if isinstance(item, tf.StructureElementDeclaration): result[] = DeclarationSummary( name=str(, item=item, if item.location else None, block=block_header, type=item.full_type_name, # TODO -> get_type_summary? base_type=item.base_type_name, value=str(item.value), if parent is not None else "", filename=filename, **Summary.get_meta_kwargs(item.meta), ) elif isinstance(item, tf.UnionElementDeclaration): result[] = DeclarationSummary( name=str(, item=item, location=None, block=block_header, type=item.spec.full_type_name, base_type=item.spec.base_type_name, value="", if parent is not None else "", filename=filename, **Summary.get_meta_kwargs(item.meta), ) elif isinstance( item, ( tf.FunctionBlockNameDeclaration, tf.FunctionBlockInvocationDeclaration, ), ): for var in item.variables: result[var] = DeclarationSummary( name=str(var), item=item, location=None, block=block_header, type=item.init.full_type_name, base_type=item.init.base_type_name, value=str(item.init.value), if parent is not None else "", filename=filename, **Summary.get_meta_kwargs(item.meta), ) elif isinstance(item, tf.InitDeclaration): for var in item.variables: result[] = DeclarationSummary( name=str(, item=item, location=str(var.location).replace("AT ", "") if var.location else None, block=block_header, type=item.init.full_type_name, base_type=item.init.base_type_name, value=str(item.init.value), if parent is not None else "", filename=filename, **Summary.get_meta_kwargs(item.meta), ) elif isinstance(item, tf.ExternalVariableDeclaration): location = str(getattr(item.spec, "location", None)) init = str(getattr(item.spec, "init", None)) type_ = getattr(init, "full_type_name", str(item.spec)) base_type = getattr(init, "base_type_name", str(item.spec)) result[] = DeclarationSummary( name=str(, item=item, location=location, block=block_header, type=type_, base_type=base_type, value="None", # TODO if parent is not None else "", filename=filename, **Summary.get_meta_kwargs(item.meta), ) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"TODO: {type(item)}") return result
[docs] @classmethod def from_global_variable( cls, item: tf.GlobalVariableDeclaration, parent: Optional[tf.GlobalVariableDeclarations] = None, block_header: str = "VAR_GLOBAL", filename: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, ) -> Dict[str, DeclarationSummary]: result = {} location = (str(item.spec.location or "").replace("AT ", "")) or None for var in item.spec.variables: name = getattr(var, "name", var) result[name] = DeclarationSummary( name=str(name), item=item, location=location, block=block_header, type=item.full_type_name, base_type=item.base_type_name, value=str(item.init.value), if parent is not None else "", filename=filename, **Summary.get_meta_kwargs(item.meta), ) return result
[docs] @classmethod def from_block( cls, block: tf.VariableDeclarationBlock, parent: Union[tf.Function, tf.Method, tf.FunctionBlock], filename: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, ) -> Dict[str, DeclarationSummary]: result = {} for decl in block.items: result.update( cls.from_declaration( decl, parent=parent, block_header=block.block_header, filename=filename, ) ) return result
[docs] @dataclass class ActionSummary(Summary): """Summary representation of a single action.""" name: str item: tf.Action source_code: str implementation: Optional[tf.StatementList] = None def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> None: raise KeyError(f"{key}: Actions do not contain declarations")
[docs] @classmethod def from_statement_list( cls, name: str, statements: tf.StatementList, source_code: Optional[str] = None, filename: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, ) -> ActionSummary: if source_code is None: source_code = str(statements) return ActionSummary( name=name, item=tf.Action( name=lark.Token(name, name), body=statements, meta=statements.meta, ), source_code=source_code, filename=filename, implementation=statements, # TODO: this is no good **Summary.get_meta_kwargs(statements.meta), )
[docs] @classmethod def from_action( cls, action: tf.Action, source_code: Optional[str] = None, filename: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, ) -> ActionSummary: if source_code is None: source_code = str(action) return ActionSummary( name=str(, item=action, source_code=source_code, filename=filename, **Summary.get_meta_kwargs(action.meta), )
[docs] @dataclass class MethodSummary(Summary): """Summary representation of a single method.""" name: str item: tf.Method return_type: Optional[str] source_code: str implementation: Optional[tf.StatementList] = None declarations: Dict[str, DeclarationSummary] = field(default_factory=dict) def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> DeclarationSummary: return self.declarations[key] @property def declarations_by_block(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, DeclarationSummary]]: result = {} for decl in self.declarations.values(): result.setdefault(decl.block, {})[] = decl return result
[docs] @classmethod def from_method( cls, method: tf.Method, source_code: Optional[str] = None, filename: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, ) -> MethodSummary: if source_code is None: source_code = str(method) summary = MethodSummary(, item=method, return_type=str(method.return_type) if method.return_type else None, source_code=source_code, filename=filename, **Summary.get_meta_kwargs(method.meta), ) for decl in method.declarations: summary.declarations.update( DeclarationSummary.from_block(decl, parent=method, filename=filename) ) return summary
[docs] @dataclass class PropertyGetSetSummary(Summary): name: str item: tf.Property source_code: str declarations: Dict[str, DeclarationSummary] = field(default_factory=dict) implementation: Optional[tf.StatementList] = None def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> DeclarationSummary: return self.declarations[key]
[docs] @dataclass class PropertySummary(Summary): """Summary representation of a single property.""" name: str getter: PropertyGetSetSummary setter: PropertyGetSetSummary source_code: str # implementation: Optional[tf.StatementList] = None def __getitem__(self, key: str): if key == "get": return self.getter if key == "set": return self.setter raise KeyError(f"{key}: Properties do not contain declarations")
[docs] @classmethod def from_property( cls, property: tf.Property, source_code: Optional[str] = None, filename: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, ) -> PropertySummary: if source_code is None: source_code = str(property) # TODO: this is broken at the moment return PropertySummary( name=str(, getter=PropertyGetSetSummary( name=str(, item=property, source_code=source_code, filename=filename, **Summary.get_meta_kwargs(property.meta), ), setter=PropertyGetSetSummary( name=str(, item=property, source_code=source_code, filename=filename, **Summary.get_meta_kwargs(property.meta), ), source_code=source_code, filename=filename, **Summary.get_meta_kwargs(property.meta), )
[docs] @dataclass class FunctionSummary(Summary): """Summary representation of a single function.""" name: str item: tf.Function return_type: Optional[str] source_code: str implementation: Optional[tf.StatementList] = None declarations: Dict[str, DeclarationSummary] = field(default_factory=dict) def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> DeclarationSummary: return self.declarations[key] @property def declarations_by_block(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, DeclarationSummary]]: result = {} for decl in self.declarations.values(): result.setdefault(decl.block, {})[] = decl return result
[docs] @classmethod def from_function( cls, func: tf.Function, source_code: Optional[str] = None, filename: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, ) -> FunctionSummary: if source_code is None: source_code = str(func) summary = FunctionSummary(, item=func, return_type=str(func.return_type) if func.return_type else None, source_code=source_code, filename=filename, **Summary.get_meta_kwargs(func.meta), ) for decl in func.declarations: summary.declarations.update( DeclarationSummary.from_block(decl, parent=func, filename=filename) ) return summary
[docs] @dataclass class FunctionBlockSummary(Summary): """Summary representation of a single function block.""" name: str source_code: str item: tf.FunctionBlock extends: Optional[str] squashed: bool implementation: Optional[tf.StatementList] = None declarations: Dict[str, DeclarationSummary] = field(default_factory=dict) actions: List[ActionSummary] = field(default_factory=list) methods: List[MethodSummary] = field(default_factory=list) properties: List[PropertySummary] = field(default_factory=list) def __getitem__( self, key: str ) -> Union[DeclarationSummary, MethodSummary, PropertySummary, ActionSummary]: if key in self.declarations: return self.declarations[key] for item in self.actions + self.methods + if == key: return item raise KeyError(key) @property def declarations_by_block(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, DeclarationSummary]]: result = {} for decl in self.declarations.values(): result.setdefault(decl.block, {})[] = decl return result
[docs] @classmethod def from_function_block( cls, fb: tf.FunctionBlock, source_code: Optional[str] = None, filename: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, ) -> FunctionBlockSummary: if source_code is None: source_code = str(fb) summary = FunctionBlockSummary(, item=fb, source_code=source_code, filename=filename, if fb.extends else None, squashed=False, **Summary.get_meta_kwargs(fb.meta), ) for decl in fb.declarations: summary.declarations.update( DeclarationSummary.from_block(decl, parent=fb, filename=filename) ) return summary
[docs] def squash_base_extends( self, function_blocks: Dict[str, FunctionBlockSummary] ) -> FunctionBlockSummary: """Squash the "EXTENDS" function block into this one.""" if self.extends is None: return self extends_from = function_blocks.get(str(self.extends), None) if extends_from is None: return self if extends_from.extends: extends_from = extends_from.squash_base_extends(function_blocks) declarations = dict(extends_from.declarations) declarations.update(self.declarations) actions = list(extends_from.actions) + self.actions methods = list(extends_from.methods) + self.methods properties = list( + return FunctionBlockSummary(, comments=extends_from.comments + self.comments, pragmas=extends_from.pragmas + self.pragmas, meta=self.meta, filename=self.filename, source_code="\n\n".join((extends_from.source_code, self.source_code)), item=self.item, extends=self.extends, declarations=declarations, actions=actions, methods=methods, properties=properties, squashed=True, )
[docs] @dataclass class InterfaceSummary(Summary): """Summary representation of an Interfae.""" name: str source_code: str item: tf.Interface extends: Optional[str] squashed: bool declarations: Dict[str, DeclarationSummary] = field(default_factory=dict) methods: List[MethodSummary] = field(default_factory=list) properties: List[PropertySummary] = field(default_factory=list) # TwinCAT IDE doesn't allow for actions to be added to interfaces, it # seems. Overlap with methods? # actions: List[ActionSummary] = field(default_factory=list) def __getitem__( self, key: str ) -> Union[DeclarationSummary, MethodSummary, PropertySummary]: if key in self.declarations: return self.declarations[key] for item in self.methods + if == key: return item raise KeyError(key) @property def declarations_by_block(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, DeclarationSummary]]: result = {} for decl in self.declarations.values(): result.setdefault(decl.block, {})[] = decl return result
[docs] @classmethod def from_interface( cls, itf: tf.Interface, source_code: Optional[str] = None, filename: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, ) -> InterfaceSummary: if source_code is None: source_code = str(itf) summary = InterfaceSummary(, item=itf, source_code=source_code, filename=filename, if itf.extends else None, squashed=False, **Summary.get_meta_kwargs(itf.meta), ) for decl in itf.declarations: summary.declarations.update( DeclarationSummary.from_block(decl, parent=itf, filename=filename) ) return summary
[docs] def squash_base_extends( self, interfaces: Dict[str, InterfaceSummary] ) -> InterfaceSummary: """Squash the "EXTENDS" INTERFACE into this one.""" if self.extends is None: return self extends_from = interfaces.get(str(self.extends), None) if extends_from is None: return self if extends_from.extends: extends_from = extends_from.squash_base_extends(interfaces) declarations = dict(extends_from.declarations) declarations.update(self.declarations) methods = list(extends_from.methods) + self.methods properties = list( + return InterfaceSummary(, comments=extends_from.comments + self.comments, pragmas=extends_from.pragmas + self.pragmas, meta=self.meta, filename=self.filename, source_code="\n\n".join((extends_from.source_code, self.source_code)), item=self.item, extends=self.extends, declarations=declarations, properties=properties, methods=methods, squashed=True, )
[docs] @dataclass class DataTypeSummary(Summary): """Summary representation of a single data type.""" # Note: structures only for now. name: str item: tf.TypeDeclarationItem source_code: str type: str extends: Optional[str] squashed: bool = False declarations: Dict[str, DeclarationSummary] = field(default_factory=dict) def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> DeclarationSummary: return self.declarations[key] @property def declarations_by_block(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, DeclarationSummary]]: return { "STRUCT": self.declarations }
[docs] @classmethod def from_data_type( cls, dtype: tf.TypeDeclarationItem, source_code: Optional[str] = None, filename: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, ) -> DataTypeSummary: if source_code is None: source_code = str(dtype) if isinstance(dtype, tf.StructureTypeDeclaration): extends = if dtype.extends else None else: extends = None summary = cls(, item=dtype, extends=extends, source_code=source_code, type=type(dtype).__name__, filename=filename, squashed=False, **Summary.get_meta_kwargs(dtype.meta), ) if isinstance(dtype, tf.StructureTypeDeclaration): for decl in dtype.declarations: summary.declarations.update( DeclarationSummary.from_declaration( decl, parent=dtype, block_header="STRUCT", filename=filename, ) ) if isinstance(dtype, tf.UnionTypeDeclaration): for decl in dtype.declarations: summary.declarations.update( DeclarationSummary.from_declaration( decl, parent=dtype, block_header="UNION", filename=filename, ) ) return summary
[docs] def squash_base_extends( self, data_types: Dict[str, DataTypeSummary] ) -> DataTypeSummary: """Squash the "EXTENDS" function block into this one.""" if self.extends is None: return self extends_from = data_types.get(str(self.extends), None) if extends_from is None: return self if extends_from.extends: extends_from = extends_from.squash_base_extends(data_types) declarations = dict(extends_from.declarations) declarations.update(self.declarations) return DataTypeSummary(, type=self.type, comments=extends_from.comments + self.comments, pragmas=extends_from.pragmas + self.pragmas, meta=self.meta, filename=self.filename, source_code="\n\n".join((extends_from.source_code, self.source_code)), item=self.item, extends=self.extends, declarations=declarations, squashed=True, )
[docs] @dataclass class GlobalVariableSummary(Summary): """Summary representation of a VAR_GLOBAL block.""" name: str item: tf.GlobalVariableDeclarations source_code: str type: str qualified_only: bool = False declarations: Dict[str, DeclarationSummary] = field(default_factory=dict) def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> DeclarationSummary: return self.declarations[key] @property def declarations_by_block(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, DeclarationSummary]]: return { "VAR_GLOBAL": self.declarations }
[docs] @classmethod def from_globals( cls, decls: tf.GlobalVariableDeclarations, source_code: Optional[str] = None, filename: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, ) -> GlobalVariableSummary: if source_code is None: source_code = str(decls) summary = GlobalVariableSummary( or "(unknown)", item=decls, source_code=source_code, type=type(decls).__name__, filename=filename, qualified_only="qualified_only" in decls.attribute_pragmas, **Summary.get_meta_kwargs(decls.meta), ) for decl in decls.items: summary.declarations.update( **DeclarationSummary.from_global_variable( decl, parent=summary, block_header="VAR_GLOBAL", filename=filename, ) ) return summary
[docs] @dataclass class ProgramSummary(Summary): """Summary representation of a single program.""" name: str source_code: str item: tf.Program implementation: Optional[tf.StatementList] = None declarations: Dict[str, DeclarationSummary] = field(default_factory=dict) actions: List[ActionSummary] = field(default_factory=list) methods: List[MethodSummary] = field(default_factory=list) properties: List[PropertySummary] = field(default_factory=list) def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> DeclarationSummary: if key in self.declarations: return self.declarations[key] for item in self.actions + self.methods + if == key: return item raise KeyError(key) @property def declarations_by_block(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, DeclarationSummary]]: result = {} for decl in self.declarations.values(): result.setdefault(decl.block, {})[] = decl return result
[docs] @classmethod def from_program( cls, program: tf.Program, source_code: Optional[str] = None, filename: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, ) -> ProgramSummary: if source_code is None: source_code = str(program) summary = ProgramSummary(, item=program, source_code=source_code, filename=filename, **Summary.get_meta_kwargs(program.meta), ) for decl in program.declarations: summary.declarations.update( DeclarationSummary.from_block(decl, parent=program, filename=filename) ) return summary
[docs] def path_to_file_and_line(path: List[Summary]) -> List[Tuple[pathlib.Path, int]]: """Get the file/line number context for the summary items.""" return [(part.filename, part.item.meta.line) for part in path]
TopLevelCodeSummaryType = Union[ FunctionSummary, FunctionBlockSummary, DataTypeSummary, ProgramSummary, InterfaceSummary, GlobalVariableSummary, ] NestedCodeSummaryType = Union[ DeclarationSummary, MethodSummary, PropertySummary, ActionSummary, PropertyGetSetSummary, ] CodeSummaryType = Union[ TopLevelCodeSummaryType, NestedCodeSummaryType, ]
[docs] @dataclass class CodeSummary: """Summary representation of a set of code - functions, function blocks, etc.""" functions: Dict[str, FunctionSummary] = field(default_factory=dict) function_blocks: Dict[str, FunctionBlockSummary] = field( default_factory=dict ) data_types: Dict[str, DataTypeSummary] = field(default_factory=dict) programs: Dict[str, ProgramSummary] = field(default_factory=dict) globals: Dict[str, GlobalVariableSummary] = field(default_factory=dict) interfaces: Dict[str, InterfaceSummary] = field(default_factory=dict) def __str__(self) -> str: attr_to_header = { "data_types": "Data Types", "globals": "Global Variable Declarations", "interfaces": "Interface Declarations", "functions": "Functions", "function_blocks": "Function Blocks", "programs": "Programs", } summary_text = [] for attr, header in attr_to_header.items(): name_to_obj = getattr(self, attr) if name_to_obj: summary_text.extend( [ header, "-" * len(header), ] ) for name, obj in name_to_obj.items(): obj_info = "\n".join( ( name, "=" * len(name), str(obj) ) ) summary_text.append(textwrap.indent(obj_info, " " * 4)) return "\n".join(summary_text)
[docs] def find(self, name: str) -> Optional[CodeSummaryType]: """Find a declaration or other item by its qualified name.""" path = self.find_path(name, allow_partial=False) return path[-1] if path else None
[docs] def find_path( self, name: str, allow_partial: bool = False, ) -> Optional[List[CodeSummaryType]]: """ Given a qualified variable name, find the path of CodeSummary objects top-down. For example, a variable declared in a function block would return a list containing the FunctionBlockSummary and then the DeclarationSummary. Parameters ---------- name : str The qualified ("dotted") variable name to find. allow_partial : bool, optional If an attribute is missing along the way, return the partial path that was found. Returns ------- list of CodeSummaryType or None The full path to the given object. """ parts = collections.deque(name.split(".")) if len(parts) <= 1: item = self.get_item_by_name(name) if item is None: return None return [item] variable_name = parts.pop() parent = None path = [] while parts: part = parts.popleft() if "[" in part: # ] part = part.split("[")[0] # ] try: if parent is None: parent = self.get_item_by_name(part) path.append(parent) else: part_obj = parent[part] path.append(part_obj) part_type = str(part_obj.base_type) parent = self.get_item_by_name(part_type) except KeyError: if allow_partial: return path return if parent is None: return try: path.append(parent[variable_name]) except KeyError: if not allow_partial: return None return path
[docs] def find_code_object_by_dotted_name(self, name: str) -> Optional[CodeSummaryType]: """ Given a qualified code object name, find its Summary object(s). This works to find CodeSummary objects such as:: FB_Block.ActionName FB_Block.PropertyName.get FB_Block.PropertyName.set """ parts = Identifier.from_string(name).parts obj = self.get_item_by_name(parts[0]) if len(parts) == 1: return obj if obj is None: raise ValueError(f"No object by the name of {parts[0]} exists") for remainder in parts[1:]: next_obj = obj[remainder] if next_obj is None: raise ValueError(f"{name}: {obj} has no attribute {remainder!r}") obj = next_obj return obj
[docs] def get_all_items_by_name( self, name: str, ) -> Generator[TopLevelCodeSummaryType, None, None]: """Get any code item (function, data type, global variable, etc.) by name.""" for dct in ( self.globals, self.programs, self.functions, self.function_blocks, self.data_types, ): # Very inefficient, be warned try: yield dct[name] except KeyError: ...
[docs] def get_item_by_name(self, name: str) -> Optional[TopLevelCodeSummaryType]: """ Get a single code item (function, data type, global variable, etc.) by name. Does not handle scenarios where names are shadowed by other declarations. The first one found will take precedence. """ try: return next(self.get_all_items_by_name(name)) except StopIteration: return None
def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> TopLevelCodeSummaryType: item = self.get_item_by_name(name) if item is None: raise KeyError(f"{name!r} is not a top-level code object name") return item
[docs] def append(self, other: CodeSummary, namespace: Optional[str] = None): """ In-place add code summary information from another instance. New entries take precedence over old ones. """ self.functions.update(other.functions) self.function_blocks.update(other.function_blocks) self.data_types.update(other.data_types) self.globals.update(other.globals) self.programs.update(other.programs) self.interfaces.update(other.interfaces) if namespace: # LCLS_General.GVL_Logger and GVL_Logger are equally valid for name, item in other.functions.items(): self.functions[f"{namespace}.{name}"] = item for name, item in other.function_blocks.items(): self.function_blocks[f"{namespace}.{name}"] = item for name, item in other.data_types.items(): self.data_types[f"{namespace}.{name}"] = item for name, item in other.globals.items(): self.globals[f"{namespace}.{name}"] = item # for name, item in other.programs.items(): # self.programs[f"{namespace}.{name}"] = item self.squash()
[docs] @staticmethod def from_parse_results( all_parsed_items: Union[ParseResult, list[ParseResult]], squash: bool = True, ) -> CodeSummary: if isinstance(all_parsed_items, ParseResult): all_parsed_items = [all_parsed_items] result = CodeSummary() def get_code_by_meta(parsed: ParseResult, meta: Optional[tf.Meta]) -> str: if meta is None or meta.line is None or meta.end_line is None: return "" transformed = parsed.transform() return "\n".join( transformed.range_from_file_lines(meta.line, meta.end_line) ) def add_implementation(parsed: ParseResult, impl: tf.StatementList): assert parsed.identifier is not None identifier = Identifier.from_string(parsed.identifier) assert identifier.decl_impl == "implementation" match = result.find_code_object_by_dotted_name(identifier.dotted_name) if match is None: raise RuntimeError( f"Implementation without previous declaration? " f"{parsed.filename} {parsed.identifier}" ) # if len(matches) > 1: # raise RuntimeError( # f"Multiple matches for implementation? " # f"{parsed.filename} {parsed.identifier}" # ) if match.implementation is not None: raise RuntimeError( f"Implementation specified twice for {parsed.filename} " f"{parsed.identifier}" ) if isinstance(match, PropertyGetSetSummary): ... match.implementation = impl context = [] def clear_context(): context.clear() def new_context(summary: Summary): context[:] = [summary] def push_context(summary: Summary): context.append(summary) def get_pou_context() -> Union[ ProgramSummary, FunctionBlockSummary, InterfaceSummary ]: for item in reversed(context): if isinstance( item, (ProgramSummary, FunctionBlockSummary, InterfaceSummary) ): return item raise ValueError( "Expected to parse a POU prior to this but none were in the context " "list. Code summaries of PROPERTY objects, for example, require " "that a FUNCTION_BLOCK, INTERFACE, or PROGRAM be parsed previously." ) for parsed in all_parsed_items: transformed = parsed.transform() identifier = Identifier.from_string(parsed.identifier) if parsed.identifier else None for item in transformed.items: if isinstance(item, tf.FunctionBlock): summary = FunctionBlockSummary.from_function_block( item, source_code=get_code_by_meta(parsed, item.meta), filename=parsed.filename, ) result.function_blocks[] = summary new_context(summary) elif isinstance(item, tf.Function): summary = FunctionSummary.from_function( item, source_code=get_code_by_meta(parsed, item.meta), filename=parsed.filename, ) result.functions[] = summary new_context(summary) elif isinstance(item, tf.DataTypeDeclaration): if isinstance( item.declaration, (tf.StructureTypeDeclaration, tf.UnionTypeDeclaration) ): summary = DataTypeSummary.from_data_type( item.declaration, source_code=get_code_by_meta(parsed, item.declaration.meta), filename=parsed.filename, ) result.data_types[] = summary clear_context() elif isinstance(item, tf.Method): pou = get_pou_context() summary = MethodSummary.from_method( item, source_code=get_code_by_meta(parsed, item.meta), filename=parsed.filename, ) pou.methods.append(summary) push_context(summary) elif isinstance(item, tf.Action): pou = get_pou_context() summary = ActionSummary.from_action( item, source_code=get_code_by_meta(parsed, item.meta), filename=parsed.filename, ) pou.actions.append(summary) push_context(summary) elif isinstance(item, tf.Property): pou = get_pou_context() summary = PropertySummary.from_property( item, source_code=get_code_by_meta(parsed, item.meta), filename=parsed.filename, ) push_context(summary) elif isinstance(item, tf.GlobalVariableDeclarations): clear_context() summary = GlobalVariableSummary.from_globals( item, source_code=get_code_by_meta(parsed, item.meta), filename=parsed.filename, ) result.globals[] = summary # for global_var in summary.declarations.values(): # if not qualified_only: # result.globals[] = summary # result.globals[global_var.qualified_name] = summary elif isinstance(item, tf.Program): summary = ProgramSummary.from_program( item, source_code=get_code_by_meta(parsed, item.meta), filename=parsed.filename, ) result.programs[] = summary new_context(summary) elif isinstance(item, tf.Interface): summary = InterfaceSummary.from_interface( item, source_code=get_code_by_meta(parsed, item.meta), filename=parsed.filename, ) result.interfaces[] = summary new_context(summary) elif isinstance(item, tf.StatementList): if parsed.item.type != SourceType.action: add_implementation(parsed, item) else: assert identifier is not None # Special-case: actions only have implementations parent_identifier = Identifier([:-1]) parent, = result.find_path(parent_identifier.dotted_name) assert isinstance(parent, (FunctionBlockSummary, ProgramSummary)) action = ActionSummary.from_statement_list([-1], statements=item, source_code=parsed.source_code, # TODO above? filename=parsed.filename, ) parent.actions.append(action) else: raise ValueError(type(item)) logger.warning("Unhandled: %s", type(item)) if squash: result.squash() return result
[docs] def squash(self) -> None: """Squash derived interfaces/etc to include base summaries.""" for name, item in list(self.function_blocks.items()): if item.extends and not item.squashed: self.function_blocks[name] = item.squash_base_extends( self.function_blocks ) for name, item in list(self.data_types.items()): if item.extends and not item.squashed: self.data_types[name] = item.squash_base_extends( self.data_types ) for name, item in list(self.interfaces.items()): if item.extends and not item.squashed: self.interfaces[name] = item.squash_base_extends( self.interfaces )
[docs] @dataclass class LinkableItems: """A summary of linkable (located) declarations.""" input: List[DeclarationSummary] = field(default_factory=list) output: List[DeclarationSummary] = field(default_factory=list) memory: List[DeclarationSummary] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] def get_linkable_declarations( declarations: Iterable[DeclarationSummary], ) -> LinkableItems: """ Get all located/linkable declarations. """ linkable = LinkableItems() for decl in declarations: linkable_list = getattr(linkable, decl.location_type or "", None) if linkable_list is not None: linkable_list.append(decl) return linkable